
laptop on desk

About Me

I'm Marc. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. In 2005 I relocated to London where I managed businesses in the hospitality industry for 15 years. I have always had a passion for writing code and decided to make the jump and make it my career in 2020.

I gained advanced programming skills through University of Helsinki and studied web development at Omnia college. I now live in Finland with my wife, four children and three cats. I'm a skilled coder with an expertise in fullstack web development. I also grow my own chillies.

picture of me


Todo App

A todo list web application built using HTML, CSS, Nodejs, Expressjs and EJS

See Project
to do list screenshot

Move with joy

A moving company startup website. Built with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

See Project
moving van picture

Joke Generator

A joke generator web application. Built with HTML, CSS, EJS, Nodejs, Expressjs and Axios. Using a public API to generate jokes on request by the user.

See Project
a jester with a placard reading ha ha ha

Contact Me

Use the form below to get in touch. I would love to hear from you